Everything2000 Millenni-moms


St. George

---Antoinette Frey
Antoinette is thrilled about giving birth at the beginning of the new year, but her husband isn't too excited about all the publicity. Antoinette's due date is January 2, and a lot of her friends are rooting for her to have the first baby of the year 2000. Antoinette is the only one of her doctor's patients that's even close to being due near the New Year. In fact, her doctor isn't looking forward to the possibility of working on New Year's Eve!


---Angi Hirsche
Well if finally happened. Angi and her husband heard about the millennium baby conception day, went for it, got pregnant, found out the due date is January first and if it's a girl, will name her Milli. This is probably, the ultimate millennium baby story with the only exception of having the baby born on the international date line.

But lives far from the International Date Line. She and her husband live in Provo Utah, and are newlyweds having been married February 6th 1999. They had been married only two months when they heard about the millennium baby conception day on the news. "We thought we would give it a try just for the fun of it and never in a million years (or should I say millenium) thought I would get pregnant" says Angi, "but I did!!! We are very happy and excited."

The doctor has confirmed a January 1, 2000 due date. "So we no longer have lavish plans to break in the new millenium at some great party, we plan to be spending it in the hospital. My only fear is that as I am going into labor the Y2K scare will come true and the hospital won't be able to function properly. As long as they can continue to give me pain-killers and have a doctor to deliver my baby I willl come out okay", says Angi.

As for a name, "if we do have the millenium baby (I am hoping for a girl) we plan to name her Millenia!" says Angi. "I believe that we stand a very good chance of having the millenium baby but don't intend to try to force anything. If I have a happy, healthy baby then I will be satisfied completely. If I am meant to have the first baby then it will happen. Although it is excitng to imagine the possibilities that will come of having the first baby of 2000", says Angi.

Angi is 24 years old and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Education. Her husband is studying pre-med and has many years of schooling ahead of him. This will be our first child and we are hoping for a girl.

Salt Lake City

--- Michelle Blackburn
Michelle is due on January 1 and thought for sure thatshe would have had her baby by now. They are expecting a baby girl in their home are very excited, after all they have been waiting since springtime.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Everything 2000

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