Everything2000 Millenni-moms



---Carol Porter
I am a little apprehensive about delivering New Years Eve simply because of the unknown.� I wonder what will happen if my baby needs a certain machine and it is not available.� What if we do not have heat?� lights?� I don't know what is going to happen, but I think it is exciting to have a baby due on such a big day.


--Jennifer Laursen
Jennifer is excited about the due date of January 1st 2000 for her next child. It sounds like the young mother who is about to get married already has her hands full with other little ones.

Jennifer is 24 years old and will be married on Independence Day (ironically, some say getting married means losing your independence). She already has two children ages five and two. Her fianc�e Eric has two children that are five and two as well and two of the children have the same first name, Christina. She's not sure of her chances of hitting her due date because her first child was two weeks late and her next child was one week early.

She says, "Who know... I think it would be awesome to have a Y2K baby. But also it is very scary with all the predictions there are for the turn of the century." It might to safe to issue one prediction. Everything 2000 predicts they won't be naming their child Christina.

South Sioux City

--Donna and Ray Mather
The Mather's are expecting theirfirst child on January 1. Donna is31 and Ray is 29. This couple did not plan for the millenium it just happened. Donna and Ray are very excited and have already found out that it will be a girl, her name will be Madison Kay Mather and Donna says � She will be the best blessing we could ever have.�


Saturday, November 11, 2006

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