Everything2000 is your millennium resource
Welcome to Everything2000.com. Here you will find a wealth of information on everything pertaining to the new century and the year 2000. We cover millennium bug survival and solution providers, also known as the y2k computer bug, new year's eve 1999 parties and celebrations, millennium moms and millenium babies, travel and destinations related to the milennium, and products like countdown clocks, champagne, champagne glasses, and t-shirts for all of your new years shopping needs. Beyond these topics you will also find humor about the milenium in Bugs 2000, news stories about upcoming new years eve events, and entertainment updates about what is happening in the United States and the rest of the world on December 31st, 1999. We also have a section about millennial movements which covers religious events, prophecy about the apocalypse, and further information about armageddon.
Our y2k problem information is very helpful as well and will point you in the right direction to y2k compliance.
The millenium is fast approaching and you don't want to be left uninformed and wondering what to do as the millenium rolls over. Find out on our site about millenium events and maybe even go on a millenium cruise. Or check into planning your own millenium party. If you are reading this text then your browser does not support frames. Don't worry. You can still enjoy everything2000.com. Please come inside and look around.
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Everything 2000
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Everything2000 millenni moms
millennium moms
millenium baby
year 2000 resource
millennial movements
millennial movements
countdown clocks
countdown clocks